Company Description
5Th Meridian Acupuncture from Stony Plain, AB. Company specialized in: Acupuncturists.
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Products & Services
Heartburn, Acid Reflux , Chronic loose stools or constipation , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Increased efficacy of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) , Chronic indigestion , Reproductive Issues , Myofascial pain syndrome , Anxiety , Morning sickness , Peptic ulcer , Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) , Muscle pain , Tendonitis , Jaw pain (TMJ) , Dental pain , Infertility , Acute and chronic gastritis , Sports Injuries , Postoperative pain , Nausea and vomiting , Autoimmune disorders , Body Pain , Tennis Elbow , stress , Sciatica , treatment , Depression , insomnia , Allergies , Sinusitis , Mental and Emotional Wellbeing , Arthritis , Acupuncture , Digestive Issues & Nausea , Repetitive strain injuries , Respiratory Complaints , Headaches and migraines