Company Description
In the dignity and worth of all people.
That each person can learn, and that learning is an ongoing process.
That every person has the right to learn, and that learning is specific to the needs of the individual.
That each person, according to his/her abilities, has a right to benefit from, and a responsibility to contribute to, society.
That our responsibility, as support workers, is to assist each individual in acquiring the life skills required in order to maximize his/her independence.
We respect and acknowledge that all individuals have equal rights, but also acknowledge the responsibilities that accompany the rights. We respect and encourage the individuality and uniqueness of each person.
We acknowledge the worth of each individual by providing continuous understanding, compassion, and a supportive environment.
We value, and are committed to providing quality care, attention, and support to each individual we serve.
We encourage open communication between employees and individuals, which promotes honesty, trust, integrity, and cooperation to enhance the quality of services. We value individuals, who through their own unique abilities and strengths, make us (as employees) appreciate our own special skills.
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Products & Services
Employment Training , Encourage open communication , Respect and encourage individuality , Each person has the right to learn , Adults' Services , Learning is an ongoing process , Everyone has a responsibility to contribute to society , Maximizing independence is our goal , Childrens' Services , Value quality care and support , Appreciate unique abilities and strengths of individuals , Contact us
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