Our online directory contains more than 43,000 local businesses from different cities across Alberta. Every day we connect hundreds of users from Red Deer, Lloydminster, Fort McMurray, Lacombe and other cities with great local businesses in their region. We regularly update alberta-local.ca to provide the most accurate information about businesses across Alberta.
Alberta Local in numbers
Alberta Local is owned by Leading Local. Leading Local has more than 50 printed directories across the US and Canada and online directories that can be accessed anywhere.
Red Deer is a centre for oil and agriculture distribution, and the surrounding region is a major centre for petrochemical production.
Lloydminster has the unusual geographic distinction of straddling the provincial border between Alberta and Saskatchewan
Fort McMurray plays a significant role in the development of the national petroleum industry.
Lacombe is a city in central Alberta. It is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Red Deer.
Sylvan Lake was originally settled by French speaking immigrants from Quebec and the United States.
Located west of the Alberta–Saskatchewan border, Wainwright is 61km south of Vermilion in the Battle River valley.